What Could Happen Over One Year?


Your Life Should Reflect Who You Truly Are. More often than not, when we take action based on what feels right to us and trust ourselves to know which moves are necessary, Despite the Excuses. As ambitious women, we know that personal growth is a lifelong journey. There will always be another level for us to reach, another challenge to conquer. Embrace the fact that you're constantly evolving and striving for more. You have the power to create a life filled with success and fulfillment.

It's time to set aside those valid reasons that hold you back and take the leap - as will all sorts of good and aligned things starts with a single step!

It applies not only to how you personally impact the flow, expansion, and reception but also how your actions change the overall vibrational energy in our world.

Fundamentally, choosing what's inside you and right for you leads to greater expansion, alignment, and elevation for all. Your true desires are not wrong or selfish - they do not run counter to God, life, others, money, or your family in any way. In fact, your true desires can only help correct the course of what's outside and within.

Your true desires are the compass that guides you towards your purpose and fulfillment. By embracing them, you not only contribute to your own growth but also inspire and empower others to do the same. Your journey towards personal growth and empowerment is not only about achieving success but also about becoming the most fabulous version of yourself.

To truly harness the power of trusting yourself and manifesting your desires, you must be present in the here and now. Embody exactly who and what you are at this moment. By being authentic and taking action now, you align yourself with the flow of abundance and open the doors to unlimited possibilities.

That’s where we’re going for you.

Remember, your true desires are not selfish or wrong. They are the driving force that propels you towards a life of purpose and impact. Trust yourself, take action, and watch as the universe conspires to bring you all that you desire.

Now is the time to be exactly who and what you feel led and inspired to be. Embrace this momentous season of change by fulfilling what is required of you in every possible way. It's not just about taking actions that align with your desires, but also being true to who you were intended to be.

This will be an energetic hybrid. Some courses will be scheduled live and some will be created unexpectedly during your year long journey.

We will have a new class every month. You have access the class and any past classes. We'll have a monthly Q&A. We'll have three  monthly live coaching calls. We'll have behind the scenes. We'll have some bonus programs, some bonus master classes. There'll be a daily 5 journaling practice around choosing.

This is a space for entrepreneurs, creatives, visionaries, freedom seekers and leaders of change...

To support, inspire, empower, and ignite. To lead, to teach and to model an fabulous life.

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